23 x 16,5 cm, 48 pages,hard cover, acrylic viewer. Federico Lamas 2014-2016®.
This project employ “hellish vision” technology, which enables viewers to see past outward appearances and into the secret sins of Lamass red pencil-drawn subjects. By holding a red-tinted slide up to each page, the viewer is rewarded by an alternative vision of reality. This is the second book with Hellish Vision, with illustrations made between 2014 and 2015 in exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, Argentina and Brasil. The first book, “Vete al Diablo” has 6th edition around the world and Lamas has expand the Hellish universe with silkscreens, mural painting, and many collaborations. Such the last album by Brazilian band Bonde do Rolê , produced and published by Diplo/Mad Decent.
The Argentinian edition was published by “Brutal Ediciones” and “Moebius editora”.
The Brazilian edition by “A Bolha editora” based on Rio de Janeiro.
This book was released in Buenos Aires, October 2015, in México DF and Berlin on November 2015 and in Brasil January, 2016.